1830 Census Index: Samuel Bartin

LDS record: Louis Barton, son of Abraham Barton in Gwinnett around 1843.

1850 Census:

#906 Abram Barton (47; VA), Mary (43; VA), children: Frances, Guilford, Mary, George, Louis, Rebeca J.

#916 John Barton (52; BC), Elizabeth (62; NC), Mary Ann, John H.?

1860 Census : Abram BARTON (59; GA), Mary, Rebecca, Eliz., Mary, George, Ofelia WELBANKS

1880 Soundex:

#555 Lewis Barton (35; GA), Nolda (36; ?), Charley, Kitty, Mary, Willie, John, Daniel, Eurastus, Nancy

#408 Rebecca J. Barton (45; GA), Andrew, Julia, Abi

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